People & Self management



Reasons for conflict between players

Previous conflict between these players or their teams
    In a local league, there may be clubs who have been aggressive towards each other in previous seasons - perhaps one of the teams batted too slowly or there was an incident between two opponents. The league authorities will be aware of the situation and will usually appoint experienced umpires to the match. If you know of, or are warned about, such a situation between clubs you are to umpire, you must be very careful how you let that knowledge affect your umpiring. Do not let it change your basic style, simply be more aware of the potential trouble spots and act as soon as possible to prevent escalation of problems. You might be able to reduce the chances of trouble by saying to the captains something like, "I understand there has been difficulty between your two clubs; there is no reason why it should prevent us all having an enjoyable match to-day"
Former team mates now opponents
    A player may have a left a club to go and play with another club in the same league. There may be acrimonious reasons why the player left and his former team-mates may not be pleased to see him at his new club. An experienced umpire will note the situation and watch for any possible conflict