Meet all financial obligations
Your local association will have expenditure throughout the year for items such as room hire, production of course notes
and payments to speakers and you will be expected to pay an annual membership fee. Make sure your fee
is paid on time
Be prepared to stand for office
Your association will need a number of officers to supervise the activities of the association; at the Annual General
Meeting be prepared to stand for office in a positive way
Support your Association at all times
Never be negative about your association, always support it even when things have not gone according to plan.
When you are umpiring away from your normal association be prepared to be positive when people ask about your association
Attend meetings
It is important that you and other members are up-to-date with changes to the Laws and local regulations governing cricket matches in which
you will be standing. The best way to learn is by attending an association meeting because you can ask questions about anything you may not understand. The officers of the association are always pleased when meetings are well attended